At Moore Park Beach State School we offer the following Key Learning Areas:
Humanities and Social Sciences (History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, and Economics)
Health and Physical Education
The Arts (Music, Visual Art, Drama, Media and Dance)
Digital Technologies
Design Technologies
Language Other Than English (LOTE)
Moore Park Beach State School follows the Australian Curriculum from the Foundation Year (Prep) to Year Six in all curriculum areas.
LOTE is studied formally in Years Five and Six for 1 hour and 15 minutes per week. The LOTE language at Moore Park Beach is Japanese. Specialist teachers deliver programs in Music, Instrumental music and Physical Education.
Moore Park Beach State School has a strong focus on literacy in our curriculum and this has been actively supported by a literacy coach for teachers. Improvements in reading and reading comprehension have been at the core of the program.
Teaching is a complex mixture of science and artistry, teachers having to know their subjects and how to develop knowledge, understanding and application of the different subject matter in all their students. We believe that we do it well, but our students will do even better if their parents and guardians are working with us.
We believe that children learn best if parents and teachers work in partnership. Our teachers hold a parent night early in the year to inform parents about curriculum, homework, class routines, parent helpers in the classroom and general behaviour expectations. This gives parents an opportunity to get to know their child’s teacher, while our teachers can develop contacts with the parents.
We send reports home at the end of each semester. These reports provide you with a comprehensive picture of your child’s progress. From the report you are able to celebrate his or her successes and have a good idea of how you and the teacher can work with your child to improve further still.
We encourage parents to attend the parent-teacher interview which are held in Term 1 and Term 3. This will provide a more personal opportunity for parents to hear clear, specific information about their children directly from the teacher and learn how your child can be even more successful.